Tuesday 19 March 2013

The Mastery of Self Expression

I’ve just spent the weekend with the wonderful Christine Kimberley ‘back rowing’ on the powerful workshop the Mastery of Self Expression.  Throughout all that I’ve participated in and observed, this course most consistently delivers stunning transformations to a diverse range of participants whatever their starting point.

By now the course is quite familiar to me but the introductory remarks really hit home this time.  Christine told participants they’d be practising ‘seeing reality, owning it and creating from there’.  It sounds simple, obvious even, but this phrase seems to capture the essence of living consciously.  Here’s my interpretation…

Seeing reality- What’s happening around us?  What are our senses telling us?  How are we feeling?  Are we completely present in this moment?  If not where are we?  If we are in the past, we are likely to be recycling past feelings.  Maybe we haven’t even noticed we are repeating the same patterns over and over.  These might have served us once but so they still?  To clearly see reality we need to bring our energy back from the past by feeling the uncomfortable feelings, forgiving and letting go.  Equally if we are hanging out in the future, our reality can be coloured by expectations, we step out of the present when we live in our dreams or get too attached to making them happen.  So for me ‘seeing reality’ is about really being honest with ourselves about what’s happening right now.  It’s about being conscious.

Own it.  Another Mastery learning point is ‘you are the source of your own creativity’.  I’ve heard this said many times and only just made the link between this and conscious living.  Our lives do not happen to us, we are not victims, we play a part in their creation.  Even when we think a random event has hurt us, we choose our response; we can choose to take the part of victim or to take responsibility.   Although the victim label may be just, it won’t help us to heal and move forward.  When we take responsibility for our lives and the situations we find ourselves in, we 'own reality'.  We put ourselves in a position of power.

Create from there.  Now we are awake in the present and have taken responsibility for where we are, we are in the position to consciously create the lives we desire.  We have all our creative resources available to form ideas, connect with people and express ourselves.  We can choose to do life differently and we naturally use the law of attraction to our advantage.  We have lots of fun with this in the workshop!

These notes are my interpretation and the workshop is much more about experimenting than understanding concepts.  It was a privilege to witness the participants using these principles throughout the weekend and hear about the new possibilities available to them.  I’m so excited to see what continues to unfold

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