Thursday, 29 August 2013

Good People

I’ve just had my first adventure into film making.  My partner’s enthusiasm and experience (even if he said he didn’t know what he was doing!) swept me along.  I found myself doing all sorts of strange things on the beach and having loads of fun.

One of the strange things we got up to was approaching complete strangers and asking them questions about beach huts.  Even in this age of every day annoying surveys, the open, expressive and sometimes passionate responses we got were really heart-warming.

If I had thought about it beforehand I probably would have argued that we didn’t want to disturb these people’s peace or that they might have got upset.  And then we would have missed out- in terms of the film but more so in terms of the human to human contact.  Dialogue as Buddhists say.  We learnt something and our interviewees had the opportunity to express themselves on film but perhaps more important there was some exchange of positive energy, something invisible magnifying the good.

The assumption that people are good is a helpful starting point.  We are all doing our best.  We don’t all get it right all the time.  Who doesn’t make mistakes or have off days?  And some compound those errors and get really lost.  However knowing that at our core we all love and desire connection, is important to keep in mind.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

When Time Stood Still

When time stood still I was painting
Vibrant colours seeping into the fabric
Mixing and blending rich textures
Delicate shades and mysterious patterns

When time stood still I was dancing
Flowing with the music
Channelling the beat
Free in the moment to let what's inside out

When time stood still I was singing
My strong voice one of many
Nurturing harmonies joining together
Vibrating into long lost corners

When time stoo still I was loving
Open heart, grateful smile
Melting into warm embraces
My hand held to conquer fear

When time stood still I was floating
Warm wind on my skin, waves lapping at the boat
Ever moving blues and greens
Between good bye and hello

Written after a wonderful trip to Skyros Thailand, January 2003

Monday, 12 August 2013

Oh so busy!

I was about to explain that I hadn’t been blogging for a while as I’d been too busy and then I remembered I’m working on ‘time peace’!

Using a questionnaire from CoachU as a starting point, and with help from my partner, I’m in the process of changing my mindset and practises around time so I never have insufficient time or too much to do.  Like attempting to squeeze a size 16 body into size 10 jeans, over filling my days leaves me uncomfortable and bulging in all the wrong places!

Like many, I’ve grown up wearing ‘busyness’ as a badge of honour.  It shows I’m a successful coach, popular and in demand!  I work hard and I’m well organised with a great repertoire of time management techniques I use with clients, so surely I ‘should’ be able to fit in a little extra?  I’m impatient for results and intolerant of things undone.

Writing this down, it’s easy to see how incompatible it is with living a peaceful life focused on being present and happy.  Time scarcity seems so commonly accepted that it goes under the radar when other ideas of lack are being challenged.  I’m aiming for time abundance.

This is work in progress!  I haven’t blogged recently even though I’ve had plenty I’ve wanted to share.  However I have been living fully and that’s not a priority I’d want to change.

If you're working on this pattern too, I'd love to hear how you're doing.