Thursday, 4 April 2013

Re-defining Failure

Paul McKenna argues that “…‘failure’ is an attitude, not an outcome”.  It is more related to your perspective rather than actual results.  He describes how after his 700th unsuccessful attempt to invent the electric light, Thomas Edison told a reporter, “I have not failed seven hundred times.  I have not failed once.  I have succeeded in proving that those seven hundred ways will not work.  When I have eliminated all the ways that will not work, I will find the way that it will work.”

If you’ve ever been labelled a failure, you’ll know how bad this feels and even experiencing an event you give that name is traumatic.  So why not eliminate this word from your vocabulary?  Instead you could have not yet succeeded, had a learning experience or achieved a different outcome from that intended.  This is not taking away your powers of analysis or ability to make clear decisions, it is minimising the emotional baggage and judgements connected with this ‘f word’.

We act on what we believe to be true.  Someone who thinks they have already avoided success is likely to be more apprehensive at their next attempt, they might talk about their previous attempt and let this past negativity leek out into the present, they might carry along upsetting feelings such as disappointment, guilt and anger, and of course they’ll be under even more pressure to succeed this next time.  All this is avoidable by taking a different perspective of the previous situation.

So what if you’ve already given a negative label to some past event?  First consider it from different perspectives, what did you gain from the experience?  What did it prevent you from having to do/face?  What lessons have you learnt for the future?  How would you do things differently next time?  Then let go of any negative feelings you attached to the event, you could give yourself an affirmation to help with this.  For example ‘I’m a millionaire in training.’  Practice makes perfect!

Having the mindset for success is part of the Life Puzzle piece 'I set myself free'.  Claim your FREE Life Puzzle Analysis by contacting Debbie...

Debbie Reeds
Soul Sanook Life Coaching